UAE, Japan unite to explore opportunities in hydrogen development

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By Shilpa Annie Joseph, Official Reporter
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UAE’s Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure and the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry have signed a virtual cooperation agreement to explore the opportunities in the field of hydrogen development.

The agreement will broaden the scope of joint cooperation and increase investment in the hydrogen market, accelerating the energy transition to a low-carbon future.

Furthermore, the agreement strengthens UAE-Japan bilateral relations while also stressing the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure’s approach to expanding the reach of strategic partnerships between the two friendly countries in their pursuit of global leadership in the field of renewable energy.

Suhail bin Mohammed Al Mazrouei
Suhail bin Mohammed Al Mazrouei
Minister of Energy & Infrastructure

“The agreement reflects the development of relations between the countries of the UAE and Japan and that the agreement is an extension of the historic partnership between UAE and Japan in various fields, which includes the close collaboration in the energy, infrastructure and transport sectors as Japan is considered one of the world leaders in those areas that represent a major supporter of the national economies. The agreement also aims to open broad prospects for growth and development as part of the two countries’ efforts to diversify the energy mix, relying on clean energy, building more partnerships, and strengthening cooperation to take advantage of the opportunities associated with the global leadership of the UAE and Japan in the fields of innovation, technology, and sustainability. This agreement pursues as well the cooperation to exchange information related to hydrogen production, building the supply chain and transport to Japan, and exchanging information to develop regulations and policies”.

These collaborations support the two countries efforts to meet the Paris Climate Agreement’s targets, as well as helping to shape the transition to clean, renewable energy through hydrogen production. He further stated that the UAE intends to step up its efforts to increase investment opportunities in the hydrogen sector and to encourage research and development of green and blue hydrogen production technologies while lowering costs.

According to Mr. Al Mazrouei, the UAE is working to minimize its carbon footprint by adopting the 2050 energy plan, which aims to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 70 percent and increase individual and institutional consumption efficiency by 40 percent by 2050.

“We also aim to diversify the future energy mix, and raise the contribution of clean energy to the total energy mix produced in the country to 50 percent,” the UAE minister concluded.

Related: Global hydrogen demand will quadruple by 2050; Energy tech analyst