Tag: Migraine
Taking drug before headache may prevent migraine; Study
A new study has found that taking a drug called ‘ubrogepant’, even before the headache starts, may help people with migraine to maintain their...
Epilepsy & Migraine drugs taken during pregnancy show birth defects; Study
Valproic acid, a drug used to treat epilepsy, migraine, and bipolar disorder, has shown to cause birth defects when taken during pregnancy, according to...
Suffering from migraine? These tips may help you
According to a new study, eating a diet high in omega-3 fatty acids lessens the frequency and severity of monthly migraine attacks.
Omega-3s and omega-6s...
Food rich in Omega-3 fatty acid could help reduce migraine; Study
A Mediterranean-rich diet containing lots of fish fat could help in reducing the severe attack in people with migraines, a study reported.
Migraine is...