Tag: Medical Study
Taking drug before headache may prevent migraine; Study
A new study has found that taking a drug called ‘ubrogepant’, even before the headache starts, may help people with migraine to maintain their...
Vitamin D3 can fight viral infection while Vitamin D2 may be...
A collaborative study done by the Universities of Surrey and Brighton has found significant differences between the two types of vitamin D. The research...
Are COVID-19 vaccines safe for pregnant women? New study finds surprising...
COVID-19 vaccines may be safe during pregnancy, suggests a study that found no evidence of injury to the placenta in pregnant women who received...
Electric stimulation may help to speed up wound healing in human:...
Electric stimulation may have the ability to help blood vessels carry white blood cells and oxygen to wounds thus accelerates the healing process, according...
Sleep significantly important and cannot be replaced by rest; Researchers
A recent study conducted by a group of researchers at the University of Freiburg's Medical Centre has revealed that sleep is more important and...