Saudi Space Agency launches new Concurrent Design Facility

Saudi Space Agency launches concurrent design facility
Image Courtesy: SSA | Cropped by GBN
By Arya M Nair, Official Reporter
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The Saudi Space Agency (SSA) has inaugurated its new Concurrent Design Facility (CDF) and announced the adoption of an Integrated Mission Lifecycle (IML) framework.

According to the SSA, the Concurrent Design Facility is designed to accelerate the planning and execution of space missions through the application of concurrent engineering and advanced simulation technologies.

By streamlining the design process, the facility is expected to reduce feasibility study times by up to 75 percent and system design costs by as much as 50 percent. The center will also serve as a hub for collaboration, hosting workshops and knowledge-sharing initiatives among space industry professionals.

The center will also host workshops with stakeholders and engineers to work together and participate in various types of activities related to the fields of space, which will support achieving the kingdom’s goals in space. The CDF also aims to achieving excellence in space mission design, developing the skills of local engineers, accelerating technology and knowledge transfer, and increasing the level of cooperation between entities working on space systems at the local and global levels.

In parallel, SSA has adopted IML as a standardized approach to project and program management. Developed in-house, IML aims to optimize operations, enhance efficiency, and foster collaboration within the agency.

This strategic move positions SSA as a leader in complex engineering project management.

The establishment of the Concurrent Design Facility and the adoption of IML underscore the Kingdom’s commitment to building a robust space sector and developing world-class capabilities.

The launch, attended by SSA CEO Dr. Mohammed Altamimi, Deputy CEO Dr. Valanathan Munsami, and key industry stakeholders, marks a significant step forward for the Kingdom’s space program.

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