Software AG awards UAE’s Injazat Premium status within its global network

Injazat-Software AG
Mr. Rami Kichli handing over the appreciation plaque to Mr. Ussama Dahabiyeh at GITEX
By Arya M Nair, Official Reporter
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Injazat, a G42 company and the UAE’s home-grown technology champion, and Software AG, a global technology company, have entered a strategic partnership to boost digital transformation efforts in the Middle East.

Under Software AG’s global partner program, PartnerConnect, Injazat has been awarded Premier status elevating Injazat’s position as an elite member within Software AG’s global partner network with proven technical expertise and customer success in digital transformation enablement and innovation.

The two parties will collaborate to further the region’s digitalization efforts with significant contributions that strengthen digital economies and leverage their joint capabilities and regional scale to harness the huge volumes of data as a strategic asset for powerful insights to empower government entities and businesses in their transformation journeys to drive innovation.

The association will enable enterprises to revolutionize systems and processes and facilitate increased agility, speed, response and scalability via Software AG’s Business transformation solutions and its industry-leading IoT platform. Awarded at GITEX Global 2022, an appreciation plaque was handed over to Mr. Ussama Dahabiyeh, the CEO of Injazat by Mr. Rami Kichli, Sr. Vice President, Middle East and Turkey to recognize their new status with the Software AG.

Ussama Dahabiyeh Image
Ussama Dahabiyeh
CEO – Injazat

“Our mission has always been to boost the region’s digital initiatives through the adoption of new technologies and assist in realizing the ambitions of a strong digital future. At Injazat, we believe that a healthy partner ecosystem is crucial for co-creation, to innovate faster, scale, and stay relevant in a competitive industry like ours. As Software AG’s regional premier partner, we aim to deliver excellent experiences to customers and propel industry growth by enabling businesses to pivot their digital capabilities and processes responsively, alter operating models and grow faster than the industry average.”

Mr. Kichli said that “We’re delighted to expand and elevate our association with Injazat, a frontrunner in transforming enterprise customers in the public and private sectors and a key contributor to advance transformation efforts throughout the region. Moreover, we’re witnessing an increased focus on software for sustainable future-ready and connected enterprises, connecting people, technology, and processes. Driven by our vision of building truly connected enterprises, together we aim to build a thriving innovation ecosystem and drive prosperous digital nations of the future.”

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