Saudi’s Social Development Bank launches Fintech Hub program

SDB launches Fintech Hub program
Image Via: SPA | Cropped by GBN
By Arya M Nair, Official Reporter
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The Social Development Bank (SDB) of Saudi Arabia has launched the Fintech Hub program in partnership with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and the Empretec program in cooperation with the supporting partner “Fintech Saudi”, as the first-of-its-kind program to empower future leaders in financial technology.

The Fintech Hub program, which took place from September 8 to 12 in Riyadh, aims to enhance innovation in financial technology by developing a comprehensive economic system focused on supporting emerging projects and ambitious entrepreneurs.

The program offers participants a chance to benefit from the latest trends in financial technology and provides them with the knowledge and tools to upgrade their projects and achieve sustainable success. It also reflects the bank’s cooperation with partners and supporters in the financial technology sector, including “Fintech Saudi”, which plays a vital role in strengthening the financial technology system in the Kingdom.

The program is supported by trainers certified by the Empretec program and global entrepreneurs in financial technology, qualifying participants to learn about the latest technologies and innovations in this field to cope with market developments and learn ways to develop effective and sustainable business models that are compatible with consumer needs and can drive economic growth.

The program tails from the pioneering ‘Fintech Saudi’, which was launched by the Saudi Central Bank in partnership with the Capital Market Authority in April 2018 to act as a catalyst for the development of the financial services technology (fintech) industry in Saudi Arabia.

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