Saudi Arabia explores agro & food security cooperation with Nigeria

By Shilpa Annie Joseph, Official Reporter
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Saudi Arabia-Nigeria Cooperation
Officials during the meeting | SPA

Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Environment, Water, and Agriculture, Eng. Abdulrahman Alfadley has discussed means of agricultural and food security cooperation with Nigerian Minister of Agriculture and Food Security, Sen. Abubakar Kyari.

Furthermore, they focused on identifying investment opportunities within the agriculture and food security sectors and exploring avenues to enhance trade and economic collaboration between the two countries.

During the meeting, the focus was on cooperation in diverse sectors, with a particular emphasis on collaborations in agriculture, as well as food security. The meeting included discussions on investment possibilities and the available agricultural resources and food products.

The Saudi Minister expressed his country’s intentions to invest in the sector and target the Nigerian market, adding that both countries’ private sectors would explore further opportunities.

Eng Alfadley stated that, “We do believe that Nigeria has some comparative advantages and the need to invest wisely in the agriculture, and food sector, whereby we will be targeting the Nigerian market.”

Sen. Abubakar Kyari pointed out that Nigeria and Saudi Arabia have a long-standing and robust bilateral relationship dating back several centuries due to the common ties between their people, particularly in culture and religion.

The Nigeria-Saudi Arabia partnership is set to create significant opportunities for investments in the agriculture sector, especially in irrigation, livestock, farmland development, and value addition.

“The collaboration aims to increase food production, improve food security, and foster economic growth while strengthening the existing bilateral relationship between the two countries,” as per the statement.

Last year, Saudi Arabia hosted the Saudi-African Summit, which aimed to foster relations and promote collaborative efforts between the Kingdom and African states.

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