Saudi’s SAL inks air cargo handling service contract with Air China

By Arya M Nair, Official Reporter
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SAL_Air China cargo handling service contract
Rep.Image | Courtesy: Saudi Press Agency | Cropped by GBN

Saudi Arabian Logistics (SAL) has signed a service contract with Air China, under which SAL will provide comprehensive air cargo handling services for Air China.

SAL will also offer ground transportation connections between all its stations in Saudi Arabia’s airports and destinations within the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. These strengthen SAL’s position as a trusted partner in the aviation industry and a leading national logistics provider.

The agreement marks a strategic partnership that reflects SAL’s commitment to expanding its air cargo handling services and strengthening its presence in the global logistics market.

SAL CEO and managing director Faisal Al-Bedah stated that the partnership demonstrates SAL’s dedication to delivering high-quality services and fostering strong collaborations with leading global airlines.

“Working with Air China will undoubtedly enhance our commitment to achieving excellence in improving cargo operations and delivering added value to our customers,” said Al-Bedah.

Meanwhile, Air China affirmed that the partnership represents a strategic step for the company to enhance its cargo handling capabilities in the Middle East region.

Air China also said it looks forward to leveraging SAL’s expertise to provide efficient and seamless services to the Chinese company’s customers.

Recently, SAL Saudi Logistics Services and Microsoft Arabia signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) which will drive innovation across the region’s logistics sector.

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