Qatar Airways becomes 1st airline to integrate vaccination certificates in IATA Travel Pass

IATA Travel Pass
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By Shilpa Annie Joseph, Official Reporter
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Qatar’s state-owned flag carrier Qatar Airways has become the first airline to trial COVID-19 vaccine authentication through the IATA Travel Pass ‘Digital Passport’ Mobile App.

The Travel Pass app is already being used by scores of airlines to check a negative COVID test result before allowing passengers on board, but the Gulf carrier will be the first to extend the app’s scope to recognize vaccination certificates.

As more travelers return to the skies, the airline said it remains “committed to reducing paperwork and providing a more contactless, secure and seamless travel experience for passengers”.

According to the reports, the trial will be rolled out in phases from this month, beginning initially with cabin crew returning to Doha traveling from Kuwait, London, Los Angeles, New York, Paris, and Sydney. The cabin crew will be able to upload their Qatar issued COVID-19 vaccination credentials along with their COVID-19 test results to the IATA Travel Pass Mobile App and verify they are eligible to travel.

HE Akbar al-Baker
HE Akbar al-Baker
Group CEO
Qatar Airways

“Despite the significant challenges the pandemic has caused international aviation, our industry has continued to be a leader in adopting new technologies and innovations to ensure a safe, secure, and seamless travel experience for our passengers. Qatar Airways is proud to lead the way by becoming the first airline to trial COVID-19 vaccine authentication through the IATA Travel Pass ‘Digital Passport’ Mobile App. I want to especially thank Qatar’s Ministry of Public Health, Ministry of Interior, Primary Health Care Corporation, and Hamad Medical Corporation, whom without their ongoing support, this trial would not be possible.”

“We know as more people begin making plans to return to their favorite holiday destinations, they will inevitably face the challenge of ensuring they have the right paperwork. Through trialing and supporting the development of new technologies, we aim to provide travelers with a tool that will support them to seamlessly travel across borders with greater confidence,” Mr. Al Baker noted.

Mr. Willie Walsh, IATA’s Director General said, ‘Qatar Airways and the Qatari Government are showing leadership by becoming the first to trial the verification of passengers’ vaccine credentials through IATA Travel Pass. Certificates of COVID-19 vaccination or testing status will be key to restoring people’s freedom to travel.”

“Trials by Qatar Airways and some 70 other airlines have demonstrated that IATA Travel Pass can efficiently manage test results. This important new trial focusing on vaccination status will build even more confidence in IATA Travel Pass as a complete solution for travelers, governments, and airlines,” he further added.

Related: UAE’s Emirates expands IATA Travel Pass implementation; Partners with Alhosn app