OICT Group unveils 1st Oracle Cloud Infrastructure in Oman

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By Shilpa Annie Joseph, Official Reporter
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Oman Information and Communication Technology (OICT) Group, Oman Data Park, and Oracle have established Oracle’s Hyper-Scale Cloud Infrastructure Data Centre in the Sultanate.

This is the first Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) in the country. The new cloud infrastructure will offer a broad range of IaaS/PaaS cloud services to all entities in the public and private sectors across Oman through Oman Data Park’s certified Tier III Data Center.

According to the statement, Oracle’s Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) is a dedicated region in Oman that will allow local entities to run all of their Oracle systems on a multi-tenant cloud infrastructure with physical control over infrastructure and data, enabling them to meet the most stringent regulatory, data residency, and latency requirements.

Said bin Abdullah al Mandhari
Said bin Abdullah al Mandhari

“This partnership between the group and Oman Data Park Company embodies the objective of setting up OIC, which aims at becoming an investment arm for the government in partnership with the private sector in implementing the strategies of the telecommunications and information technology sector, as well as the goals of the 4th Industrial Revolution. The launch of this cloud region also comes within the framework of the four specializations of the OICT, which include the fields of infrastructure, communications, information technology platforms, provision of services, data centers, cloud computing, services of electronic platforms, and information security survives, in addition to the efforts of the group to contribute in building the country’s digital economy and promoting the development of small and medium enterprises.”

It is also one of the first ultra-wideband clouds from Oracle launched in the Sultanate of Oman, the company added.

“We in ODP are pleased to be part of this distinguished cooperation with the OICT group, which resulted in launching the Oracle Cloud Region in the Sultanate of Oman. OCI is built on agile modeling that simplifies the transformation of all verticals in the Sultanate of Oman towards a sustainable economy and the 4th industrial revolution,” noted Eng. Maqbool al Wahaibi, CEO of Oman Data Park.

The launch of Oracle’s advanced cloud technology will accelerate the digital transformation goals of Vision 2040 by deploying the latest technology in cloud services that meets market needs and data governance requirements, reducing operational costs, and modernizing legacy applications.

“The Oracle High-Performance Cloud Region will also enhance the ability of companies and organizations to ensure the security and integrity of their data within the country and will contribute in reducing data transmission times and speeding up recovery from the consequences and effects of disasters on a large scale,” as per the statement.

Related: Oman ICT inks 5 agreements to boost country’s digital ecosystem