Modern work conditions which requires much long screen time has led to increasing mental and physical health complications which can become serious, according to a study.
Long screen time causes headaches, neck pain, anxiety, obesity, and a variety of other health issues. According to the study, an increase in screen time also increases the risk of stroke.
The study published in the Stroke Journal of the American Stroke Association showed that adults below the age of 60 who had increased screen time were more prone to stroke than people who were physically active.
The majority of strokes are caused by lifestyle risk factors that can be improved like sedentary behaviors, researchers said. Other modifiable risk factors include smoking, diabetes, diet and obesity.
The findings suggests that one hour of screen time can reduce a person’s life expectancy by 22 minutes and increase their risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer. Another study from the UK also found a link between screen time and stroke.
It was highlighted that the possibility of a stroke was higher if screen usage continued for 2 hours at a stretch. In case of continuous screen usage, like if it exceeds two hours, can be categorized as addiction and that added another 20 percent risk of strokes.
The findings are concerning, given that screen time is increasing, particularly among children and teenagers. The blue light from the screen reduces the production of Melatonin, a hormone released at night that regulates the sleep-wake cycle. This disturbs the routine and makes it difficult to wake up and sleep on time.
Lessening screen times and spending time for more physical and healthy activities could be an effective way to tackle stroke in these situations.
Related: Prolonged sitting linked to elevated depression & anxiety; Study