Japan seeks to foster cooperation with Qatar in AI & Robotics 

By Arya M Nair, Official Reporter
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Japanese ambassador Mr. Satoshi Maeda has stated that the country is keen to explore and deepen bilateral relations and cooperation with the State of Qatar in various areas, especially in technological fields such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotics.

According to Mr. Maeda, the collaboration in AI and robotics is expected to create numerous job as well as investment opportunities between Qatar and Japan due to their strong interest in science and technology.

However, the ambassador pointed out that the challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic since its outbreak in March 2020 hindered many activities and other engagements. Mr. Maeda hopes that there will be more opportunities “to get together” between the two countries as the situation continues to improve.

Satoshi Maeda
Satoshi Maeda
Japanese Ambassador to Qatar

“As the AI robot market is expected to grow, Japan’s current interest in AI and robotics is high and its research and progress are remarkable. For example, there is a high level of interest in this field, including the use of robots in the medical field and the use of collaborative robots to improve industrial logistics. It would be great if we could explore possible areas of cooperation with Qatar in the future.”

Qatar and Japan will also collaborate in a variety of other sectors, including culture and the arts, sports, and diplomatic arena, in order to accomplish shared values and goals for the international community. Boosting the cultural ties, a large-scale cultural event took place on February 4th, commemorating the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Qatar and Japan.

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