Is ice cream healthy or unhealthy? Experts have their say

Ice Cream
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By Rahul Vaimal, Associate Editor
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Most people love to have a bowl of dessert after their meals. What about some delicious ice cream with silver balls or wafers? But can this frozen dessert be beneficial to your body?

Yes, even though there are some drawbacks to this all-time favorite dessert, there are several health benefits that have been associated with the consumption of ice cream.

Ice creams are frozen foods that are made up of cream, milk, fruit, and flavoring agents. Other than direct consumption, ice creams will be used to make desserts such as sundaes, ice cream floats, baked items, and milkshakes.

Health Benefits

Ice creams are everyone’s favorite dessert. A scoop of ice cream will provide some health benefits. It contains Vitamins such as Vitamin B12, B6, D, C, and E. It is also an excellent source of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates that are essential for the body’s energy production. It also prevents the formation of kidney stones, Premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and mood swings.

Ice Cream
Ice cream is a frozen food that is made up of cream, milk, or fruits and flavoring agents.

Source of Vitamins: Ice cream is an excellent source of nutrients containing Vitamin C, E, D, B6, B12, and Vitamin K. The presence of Vitamin K in the body thins the blood and prevents the chances of blood clotting. It is a great source of niacin, antioxidants, riboflavin, and thiamine. It helps to activate the immune system and facilitates nerve and organ functions.

Energy provider: Ice cream is considered to be the best source of energy. It is rich in fat, carbohydrates, and protein for the formation of energy. The consumption of ice cream in moderation does not cause weight gain.

Presence of minerals: It is a great source of phosphorus and calcium that helps to keep healthy teeth and bones. It stimulates the cardiovascular health and functions of the kidney. In the absence of phosphorus, the body cannot absorb calcium. Also, it maintains the health of the joints and prevents the chances of PMS.

Mood swings: Ice creams have a compound that promotes the formation of thrombotonin which prevents mood swings and uplifts mood. This reduces the level of stress. Also, it calms the nervous system, stimulates the brain, and prevents the chance of insomnia.

Ice Cream
Ice cream can be a delectable treat, as it’s creamy, cold, and sweet.

Potential disadvantages

Highly added sugar: It is not a secret that the ice creams are loaded with a lot of sugar. According to the reports, many varieties contain 12–24 grams of added sugar in just a 1/2-cup (65-gram) serving. It is recommended to limit added sugar to less than 10 percent of your daily calorie intake or 50 grams of sugar per 2,000 calorie diet. Thus, one or two small servings of ice cream can easily push you towards this daily limit. It doesn’t mean that completely avoid it, but to limit the consumption.

Calorie-dense and low in nutrients: Ice cream is laden with calories but only contains few nutrients other than calcium and phosphorus. If you eat ice cream as an occasional treat, you don’t have to worry about its lack of nutrients.

Ice Cream
It’s best to choose ice cream that’s minimally processed and contains few ingredients.

May contain unhealthy additives: Many ice creams are highly processed and include ingredients like artificial flavors and additives. Some artificial ingredients and preservatives have been linked to adverse health effects, while others are safe.

Can you include ice cream in your diet?

Enjoying the dessert occasionally as part of a healthy diet is perfectly acceptable. The main thing is moderation. To avoid overeating, try pre-packaged products such as ice cream bars or in mini containers. Otherwise, small bowls are preferable to larger bowls to control your portion.

So, ice cream can be part of a balanced diet. But, it is important to practice portion control and moderate your consumption to lead a healthy life.