Dubai Health Authority signs MoU with Visa to boost health tourism

By Shilpa Annie Joseph, Official Reporter
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Dubai Health Authority (DHA) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the world’s leading digital payments company, Visa to enhance Dubai’s competitiveness as an ideal destination for health tourism.

According to the agreement, Visa will work in cooperation with its bank partners to provide cardholders with a set of exclusive discounts on medical services provided by members of the Dubai Health Experience (DXH) through the health tourism website.

Furthermore, Visa cardholders will be able to choose between a range of medical services and procedures, book appointments with doctors, and plan their treatment itineraries.

The agreement will be implemented in two phases. The first phase targets Visa cardholders from Kuwait to benefit from discounts on services in six clinics and hospitals in the UAE, mainly Al Zahra Hospital, Adam Vital Hospital, Neuro Spinal Hospital, Burjeel Hospital, Dr. Sulaiman Al Habib Hospital, and King’s College Hospital.

The second phase intends to offer discounts to Visa cardholders in other countries to cover all hospitals and clinics affiliated with the Dubai Health Experience Group. It will also work with travel agents, airlines, and hospitality service providers to obtain various discounts and other offers.

Dr. Marwan Al Mulla, CEO of the Health Regulation Sector at the DHA, highlighted the importance of signing the MoU, which comes as part of the DHA’s continuous plans and efforts to build broad horizons of strategic partnerships with various local, regional, and global institutions to enhance Dubai’s ability and global competitiveness as an ideal destination for treatment and hospitalization seekers.

Further, Dr. Al Mulla also expressed his confidence in the positive results that the MoU with Visa will achieve, and its role in supporting and revitalizing health tourism to Dubai because of the discounts and multiple benefits it provides to patients from different countries of the world, and enabling them to benefit from high-quality medical services in various health facilities in the emirate.

Dr. Saeeda Jaffar, Visa’s Senior Vice President and Group Country Manager for GCC, said that, “Our strategic agreement with DHA will increase Dubai’s attractiveness as a preferred destination for global health tourism, and as a center for first-class healthcare facilities.”

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