Doha to host 60th Ministerial Council meeting of GCC

Doha to host GCC Ministerial Council
Rep. Image | Courtesy: Akbar Nemati @ pexels
By Shilpa Annie Joseph, Official Reporter
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Doha will host the 160th Ministerial Council meeting of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), which will be attended by foreign ministers.

Additionally, on the sidelines, there will be two joint ministerial meetings between the GCC and both Turkey and Yemen.

Jasem Mohamed Albudaiwi, the Secretary General of the GCC, emphasized that they will discuss reports on implementing decisions made at the 44th Summit in Doha in December 2023. They will also review memoranda and reports from Ministerial and Technical Committees and the General Secretariat on joint Gulf work. Additionally, they will address dialogues and strategic relations between GCC states and other countries, as well as regional and international developments.

In regards to the joint meetings between GCC and Turkey, the Secretary General said that several topics will be discussed. The most important ones include the joint action plan and ways to enhance cooperation between the two sides in all fields.

Regarding the GCC-Yemeni meeting, Albudaiwi added that the meeting will focus on the situation in Yemen. The GCC’s strong support for the legitimate government in Yemen and the resolution of the Yemeni crisis through a political solution in accordance with the three references will also be discussed.

According to the statement, “These references include the GCC Initiative, its implementation mechanism, the outcomes of the comprehensive National Dialogue Conference, and Security Council Resolution 2216. The meeting will also address ways to strengthen joint GCC efforts to assist the people in Yemen in ensuring their stability and security.”

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