BankDhofar launches tailor-made services under Al Riadah Priority Banking

BankDhofar Ladies Credit Card for travel
Image Via: BankDhofar | Cropped by GBN
By Arya M Nair, Official Reporter
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BankDhofar has designed personalized products and services to serve priority segment customers of Al Riadah Priority Banking, in a move to provide a dedicated unparalleled banking experience.

Al Riadah provides a unique range of banking products and services that are tailored to suit the unique lifestyle of priority customers, ranging from personalized cheque book, exclusive Al Riadah debit and credit cards, including; Visa Infinite Debit Card, Visa Signature Debit Card, Visa Infinite Credit Card, and MasterCard World Credit Card.

Customers can enjoy exceptional times at restaurants, shops, as well as procurement protection, extended warranty, access to airport lounges around the world, travel insurance for cardholders and their families, in addition to other exclusive services.

BankDhofar has tailor-made financing solutions to meet the needs of its priority banking customers with low insurance fees and simple and fast procedures. The Bank also provides deposit accounts at competitive interest rates.

Al Riadah customers may benefit from the distinct monthly interest rate of the High Yield Savings Account. Al Riadah Priority Banking customers have highly competent relationship managers to ensure the utmost convenience to this segment of our customers.

As part of continuous improvement, the bank solicits regular feedback on the products, services and digital platforms from its customers. As of July 2024, more than 84 percent of the customers expressed their satisfaction with Relationship managers and the special treatment they receive at the branches.

With the Rewards Program, which is an exclusive and comprehensive loyalty program, credit card holders, may enjoy a variety of privileges and benefits. Reward points can be viewed through BankDhofar’s flagship Mobile Banking Application. The App enables customers to conduct their banking transactions at their convenience 24X7.

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